Meet Ava!
This girl loves musicals, runs pretty darn fast and loves working stage crew at her high school! We are so alike, though I can't run. at all.
We took to the country last week, well ok Pioneer's park for some senior session fun and found we had a lot in common, we hate bugs, especially grasshoppers and we both agree its's pretty gross that they stick to you. We also LOVE Wicked and have both seen it.
Ava wants to be a nurse (I used to be a CNA!) oh, and she goes to my old Alma mater Here is just a small sneak peek of the fun we had. We had such fun; she was so sweet and just a delight!
Thank you, Ava for the fun. I can't wait to see you soar!
#senior #nebraska #seniorsession #monday #seniorphotos #lincolnnebraska #nebraska #smallbiz #pioneerspark #summer #bluedress #vintagered #longblonde #nebraskaseniorphotos #seniorsessionday #seniors #classof2023 #seniorblog #gradsessions #photographer #portraitphotographer #pinksweater #polkadots
Hair and Make Up: Iasan and Sebastion Studio Lincoln, Ne